Welcome to Sound Safari! Weekly homework assignments for the 11am Sound Safari class at SFCM will be posted here by 10am every Sunday morning.

Practice List for Week 28: April 23rd
Next week is our last class of the year!
  1. Practice the two pieces you will play on our recital at 10:30am on May 7th! 
  2. Practice Skip To My Lou on p.83. We will be playing this piece as a whole class on the recital! 
  3. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  4. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  5. Play Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea on p.87 (Kristabel Kangaroo Reminder Video).
  6. Practice Forest Night on p.104 and Talent Show on p.105. Keep your eyes on the music!
  7. Listen to A Cowboy's Life (Track 28) and play!
  8. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  9. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  10. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  11. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  12. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level E/beige) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat.
  13. Challenge: Learn The Mosquito and the Hippopotamus on p.108-109 and/or Spiky Monster on p.110. Circle the thirds before you play!
Practice List for Week 27: April 16th
  1. Practice the two pieces you will play on our recital at 10:30am on May 7th! 
  2. Practice Skip To My Lou on p.83. We will be playing this piece as a whole class on the recital! 
  3. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  4. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  5. Play Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea on p.87 (Kristabel Kangaroo Reminder Video).
  6. Learn Forest Night on p.104. The starting landmark is bass C. Pay attention to whether the notes move by seconds, thirds, or stay the same.
  7. Learn Talent Show on p.105. The starting landmark is treble G.
  8. Listen to Bluebird, Bluebird On My Shoulder (Track 25) and play!
  9. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  10. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  11. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  12. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  13. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level E/beige) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat.
Practice List for Week 26: April 9th
  1. Choose two pieces to play on our recital at 10:30am on May 7th! Here is a list of possible recital pieces: Charlie Chipmunk, Hungry Herbie Hippo, King of the African Drum, Old MacDonald, Zebra on a Pogo Stick, Cleaver the Beaver, Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe, Rain Forest Mystery, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Kristabel Kangaroo, Yankee Doodle
  2. Practice Skip To My Lou on p.83. We will be playing this piece as a whole class on the recital! 
  3. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  4. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  5. Play Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea on p.87 (Kristabel Kangaroo Reminder Video).
  6. Learn Three Ring Circus on p.96. The starting landmark is bass C.
  7. Learn Earl the Squirrel on p.97. The starting landmark is treble G.
  8. Listen to Bluebird, Bluebird On My Shoulder (Track 25).
  9. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  10. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  11. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  12. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  13. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level E/beige) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat.
Practice List for Week 25:  March 19th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  3. Learn Mischievous Matthew Monkey on p. 91. Treble G and B play together at the same time. Remember the repeat sign and "D.C. al Fine"
  4. Complete p. 94 by writing melodies for right hand and left hand using 2nds, 3rds, and sames.
  5. Circle all the 3rds you can find in The Cat and the Hat (p. 95). As a challenge, you can try playing it on the piano!
  6. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  7. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  8. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  10. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level D/blue) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat.
  11. Play your favorite pieces from this unit! Choose any from p. 78 (Sleepy Elephant) to p. 92 (Yankee Doodle).

Practice List for Week 24:  March 12th

  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Learn Autumn on p.88-89. The starting landmark is treble G.
  3. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  4. Learn The Hippopotamus and the Mosquito on p.90. The starting landmark is bass C.
  5. Listen to Yankee Doodle (Track 24) and learn to play (p.92)! The starting note is middle C.
  6. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  7. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  8. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  10. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level D/blue) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 23:  March 5th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Learn Ping Pong on p. 84. The starting landmark is bass C.
  3. Listen to Skip to my Lou on the CD (Track 21) and learn the Primo part on p. 83. As a challenge, try the Secondo part on p. 82!
  4. Listen to Kristabel Kangaroo Visits Korea (Track 23).
  5. Improvise sounds for each animal (p. 85).
  6. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  7. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder VideoRemember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  8. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder VideoRemember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder VideoRemember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  10. Choose between playing Rain Forest Mystery (Rain Forest Mystery Reminder Video) or Crocodile in the Nile once a day.
  11. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level D/blue) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 22: February 27th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Learn Ferris Wheel on p. 80-81. The starting landmark is treble G.
  3. Listen to Skip to my Lou on the CD (Track 21).
  4. Play Baa, Baa, Black Sheep on p. 79 and sing along as you play. Follow the finger numbers! Practice the tricky measure 5 times a day. You can listen to this on the CD to remember the sound (Track 20) Tell your practice partner what "D.C. al Fine" means!
  5. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  6. Warm up on Tall Giraffe with right hand and left hand every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video) Remember to check for a loose, relaxed thumb and keep your finger joints tall and firm
  7. Warm up on Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  8. Warm up on Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder Video) Remember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  9. Choose between playing Rain Forest Mystery (Rain Forest Mystery Reminder Video) or Crocodile in the Nile once a day.
  10. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level D/blue) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 21: February 20th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Practice Tall Giraffe with RH and LH every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  3. Listen to “Rain Forest Mystery" (track 19) on your Piano Safari CD.
  4. Play Rain Forest Mystery. (Rain Forest Mystery Reminder Video) Think of your Tree Frog hands while playing!
  5. Learn Sleepy Elephant on p.78. The starting landmark is bass C.
  6. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  7. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  8. Practice Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder Video) Remember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  9. Play Crocodile in the Nile. Have fun with the arm cluster roar at the end!
  10. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 20: February 6th
A reminder that there will be NO CLASS next Saturday, February 13th. Happy Presidents Day!

  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Practice Tall Giraffe with RH and LH every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  3. Listen to “Crocodile in the Nile” (track 16) and "Tree Frog" (track 18) on your Piano Safari CD.
  4. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  5. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  6. Practice Tree Frog with right hand and left hand (Tree Frog Reminder Video) Remember to play smooth and connected, with a relaxed thumb, and do a graceful wrist lift on the long notes. For the wrist lift, your fingers should be hanging down, relaxed.
  7. Play Crocodile in the Nile. Have fun with the arm cluster roar at the end!
  8. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
  9. Explain to your practice buddy what an interval of a third is. Try making up some pieces on the piano using only thirds and sames!
Practice List for Week 19: January 30th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Practice Tall Giraffe with RH and LH every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  3. Listen to “Tall Giraffe” (track 13), “Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe” (track 14) and “Crocodile in the Nile” (track 16) on your Piano Safari CD.
  4. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  5. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  6. Learn Weird Bird on p.70. The starting landmark note is treble G. Remember to play the entire piece with your eyes on the music, paying attention to whether the notes step up, step down, or stay the same!
  7. Learn Hot Air Balloon on p.71. The starting landmark note is bass C. Don't worry about the glissando or pedal on the last note. We will discuss it together in class next week :)
  8. Use the finger numbers to help you learn Bingo on p.72. Sing along as you play!
  9. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 18: January 23rd

  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Practice Tall Giraffe with RH and LH every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  3. Listen to “Tall Giraffe” (track 13), “Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe” (track 14) and “Crocodile in the Nile” (track 16) on your Piano Safari CD.
  4. Practice Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe hands together. Sing the finger numbers as you play: 2-3-4, 4-3, 3-2. (A Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  5. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  6. Learn Midnight Waltz on p.65. The starting landmark note is bass C. Remember to play the entire piece with your eyes on the music, paying attention to whether the notes step up, step down, or stay the same!
  7. Learn Kristabel Kangaroo on p.66-67. The starting landmark note is treble G.
  8. Play one or two different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice List for Week 17: January 16th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Watch these fun videos about the treble clef and bass clef
  3. Play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on p.62 and sing along while you play! Tell your practice buddy what D. C. al fine means in Italian!
  4. Prepare to perform your version of "Thunderstorm over the Prairie" next week! (p.63)
  5. Play Peter Piper Picking Pickled Peppers (p.64). *hint hint* There is a repeat sign at the end! Remember to play the entire song with your eyes on the music, paying attention to whether the notes step up, step down, or stay the same!!
  6. Practice Tall Giraffe with RH and LH every day (Tall Giraffe Reminder Video)
  7. Listen to “Tall Giraffe” (track 13), “Day in the Life of a Tall Giraffe” (track 14) and “Swans on the Lake” (track 12) on your Piano Safari CD.
  8. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Play three different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice list for Week 16: January 9th
  1. Review what an interval of a 2nd is. It is just a step up or down! (See p.55) 
  2. Review the landmark notes we've learned. (See p.54) Ask your child about a new landmark note they learned in class this week - bass F! It is the line note in between the two little dots of the bass clef.
  3. Say whether the notes on p.58 (Creepy Basement) step up, step down, or stay the same. Color all the bass C's blue. Play the entire song with your eyes on the music, paying attention to whether the notes step up, step down, or stay the same!!
  4. Listen to Piano Safari CD track 13 (Tall Giraffe). We will start learning this new Technique piece next week!
  5. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  6. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  7. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder VideoCheck that your knuckle joints are firm!
  8. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Play three different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level B/yellow or Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
Practice list for Week 15: December 19th. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
  1. Review what an interval of a 2nd is. It is just a step up or down! (See p.55) 
  2. Say whether the notes on p.57 (My Dog Fritz) step up, step down, or stay the same. Color all the treble G's red. Play the entire song with your eyes on the music, paying attention to whether the notes step up, step down, or stay the same!!
  3. If/When you feel ready, try the same strategy with p.58 :)
  4. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  5. Listen to your Piano Safari CD. You know how to play so many of the songs!
  6. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  7. Practice Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoCheck that your knuckle joints are firm!
  8. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video)
  9. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  10. Practice Cleaver the Beaver every day (Cleaver the Beaver reminder video )
  11. Play three different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level B/yellow or Level C/green) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
  12. Play your favorite pieces from this semester!
Practice list for Week 14: December 12th
  1. Review what an interval of a 2nd is. It is just a step up or down! (See p.55) Play the melodies you composed on p.56! The melodies start on landmark notes (See p.54 for a refresher)
  2. Say whether the notes on p.57 (My Dog Fritz) step up, step down, or stay the same. Color all the treble G's red.
  3. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  4. Listen to your Piano Safari CD. You know how to play so many of the songs!
  5. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  6. Practice Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoCheck that your knuckle joints are firm!
  7. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video)
  8. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Practice Cleaver the Beaver every day (Cleaver the Beaver reminder video )
  10. Play three different Sight Reading and Rhythm Cards (choose from Level A/pink or Level B/yellow) every day. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
  11. Practice Ode to Joy on p. 50-51. Try it in both positions listed on p.51 and check the boxes! Watch out for line 3 - it's tricky!
  12. Play your favorite pieces from this semester!
Practice list for Week 13: December 5th
  1. Today we learned some landmark notes on the staff: treble G, middle C, and bass C. (Check out p.54!) We also reviewed treble clef, bass clef, and line/space notes. We will continue to grow in musicianship as we discuss intervals of a 2nd and begin playing pieces written on the staff! Check out p.57 for what's the come:)
  2. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games.
  3. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  4. Practice Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoPlay on pointed fingertips with a bouncy, relaxed arm. Keep practicing with your Fuzzy, keeping Fuzzy safe in his house by keeping the thumb on the corner and fingers all resting on the keys. 
  5. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick right hand and left hand (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video )
  6. Practice Level A and Level B Sight Reading cards (pink and yellow).  Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
  7. Practice Cleaver the Beaver (Cleaver the Beaver Reminder Video
  8. Practice Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Learn Ode to Joy on p.50-51. Just like when you're sight reading, remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat!
  10. Perform your favorite review pieces for your family and friends!
Practice list for Week 12: November 21st
  1. Today we began learning about the staff. Please ask your child about line notes, space notes, treble clef, and bass clef. Have them complete tracing the treble clefs and bass clefs on page 53. 
  2. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games.
  3. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  4. Practice Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoPlay on pointed fingertips with a bouncy, relaxed arm. Keep practicing with your Fuzzy, keeping Fuzzy safe in his house by keeping the thumb on the corner and fingers all resting on the keys. 
  5. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick right hand and left hand (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video )
  6. Practice Level A and Level B Sight Reading cards (pink and yellow).  Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position! Remember to play each card only one time a day and to never play the same card two days in a row. 
  7. Practice Cleaver the Beaver (Cleaver the Beaver Reminder Video
  8. Practice your new Technique piece Kangaroo with right hand and left hand (Kangaroo Reminder Video) Remember to keep your arm loose, just like when you play Zechariah Zebra!
  9. Keep playing your review pieces: pick from Hot Cross Buns, Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo, King of the African Drum, and Outer Space
  10. Review your favorite reading pieces: pick two from Ocean Animals, Tundra Animals, Old MacDonald, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sea Adventure, River Rafting
Practice list for Week 11: November 14th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Warm up every day with Lion Paw right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  3. Practice Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoPlay on pointed fingertips with a bouncy, relaxed arm. Keep practicing with your Fuzzy, keeping Fuzzy safe in his house by keeping the thumb on the corner and fingers all resting on the keys. 
  4. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick right hand and left hand ( Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video )
  5. Practice Level A Sight Reading Cards. You can move on to Level B cards (yellow) when you feel ready! These exercises are on the white keys. Remember to keep your eyes on the music and play with a steady beat. Even while sight reading, you can practice with Fuzzy to ensure correct hand position!
  6. Practice Cleaver the Beaver (Cleaver the Beaver Reminder Video
  7. Learn River Rafting on p. 46-47. First, start by tapping and ta-ing the rhythm. Then, play on a hard surface while saying the finger numbers out loud. Last, play on the keyboard!
  8. Keep playing your review pieces: pick from Hot Cross Buns, Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo, King of the African Drum, and Outer Space
  9. BONUS! Review your favorite reading pieces: pick from Ocean Animals, Tundra Animals, Old MacDonald, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sea Adventure
Practice list for Week 10: November 7th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Listen to track 11 on your Piano Safari CD (this is in preparation to learn a new piece next week!)
  3. Play Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder Video) Remember to play with a loose, bouncy arm! Keep practicing with your Fuzzy, keeping Fuzzy safe in his house by keeping the thumb on the corner and fingers all resting on the keys. 
  4. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick right hand and left hand (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video )
  5. Play Sight Reading cards A (pink). Do as many cards as you can, but do NOT play each card more than one time a day. That would become practicing! These cards are for sight reading, so you should not play them every day either. Try to alternate cards (maybe 1-3 Monday and Thursday, 4-6 Tuesday and Friday). Remember the three important elements of sight reading: eyes on the music, steady beat, and good notes and rhythm! 
  6. Practice Sea Adventure on p. 45. Sing the letter note names as you play! Then, try to sing the words as you play! Remember the repeat sign at the end :)
  7. Practice King of the African Drum (King of the African Drum Reminder Video)
  8. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  9. Keep playing your review pieces: pick from Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Hungry Herbie Hippo
Practice list for Week 9: October 31st
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Play Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand every day (Zechariah Zebra Reminder Video)
  3. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  4. Practice Fuzzy Wuzzy on p. 41, and sing along as you play! After you've mastered it on the white keys, try playing it on the 3 black keys!
  5. Learn Sea Adventure on p. 45. Pay attention to whether the notes go up or down.
  6. Practice performing King of the African Drum (King of the African Drum Reminder Video)
  7. Review Outer Space on p. 36 (Outer Space Reminder Video) with your own improvised music.
  8. Practice Zebra on a Pogo Stick right hand and left hand (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video )
  9. Keep playing your review pieces from the last unit: pick from Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Hungry Herbie Hippo
  10. Bring Sight Reading Cards to class next week! We will also have another instrument visit!
Practice list for Week 8: October 24th

  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Play Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand, watch for a relaxed hand shape, loose forearm and firm fingertips (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoKeep Fuzzy safe in his house while you do this!
  3. Play Zebra on a Pogo Stick with right hand and left hand, thinking about the hand shape we use when we play Zechariah Zebra (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video)
  4. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder VideoLook for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion!
  5. Practice Fred the Fish on p. 34 and Mary Had a Little Lamb on p. 40. We will discuss improvisation, piano, and glissando next week in class, so please only play the notes on p. 34. As a bonus, you can try playing Mary Had a Little Lamb all the different ways listed in the book: beginning on different notes, playing on 3 black keys, learning the LH by ear, and hands together! Remember to start by tapping and speaking the rhythm, then play with eyes on the music! Cover your hands with a book if necessary. You can also say finger numbers out loud while playing. Check p. 10 to see how we count the rhythm! 
  6. Keep polishing King of the African Drum, p. 19, whole piece hands together (King of the African Drum Reminder VideoFocus on steady beat and relaxed arm motion (Listen to the CD for a reminder of the tempo and rhythm!)
  7. Keep playing your review pieces from the last unit: pick from Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo
  8. Come to class next week dressed in your Halloween costume!!
Practice list for Week 7: October 17th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Play Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand, watch for a relaxed hand shape, loose forearm and firm fingertips (Zechariah Zebra Reminder VideoKeep Fuzzy safe in his house while you do this!
  3. Play Zebra on a Pogo Stick with right hand and left hand, thinking about the hand shape we use when we play Zechariah Zebra (Zebra on a Pogo Stick Reminder Video)
  4. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video) Look for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion!
  5. Practice Old MacDonald on p. 32-33. Remember to start by tapping and speaking the rhythm, then play with eyes on the music! Cover your hands with a book if necessary. You can also say finger numbers out loud while playing. Check p. 10 to see how we count the rhythm! 
  6. Keep polishing King of the African Drum, p. 19, whole piece hands together (King of the African Drum Reminder Video) Focus on steady beat and relaxed arm motion (Listen to the CD for a reminder of the tempo and rhythm!)
  7. Keep playing your review pieces from the last unit: pick from Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo
  8. BONUS: Read Inchworm on p. 30 and Sam on p. 31. Have fun moving up and down the keyboard!
Practice list for Week 6: October 10th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Play Zechariah Zebra with right hand and left hand, watch for a relaxed hand shape, loose forearm and firm fingertips (Zechariah Zebra Reminder Video) Think about keeping Fuzzy's house safe for him!
  3. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video) Look for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion
  4. Practice Ocean Animals on p. 22 and Tundra Animals on p. 23. Remember to start by tapping and speaking the rhythm, then play with eyes on the music! Check p. 10 to see how we count the rhythm!
  5. Keep polishing King of the African Drum, p. 19, whole piece hands together (King of the African Drum Reminder Video) Focus on steady beat and relaxed arm motion (Listen to the CD for a reminder of the tempo and rhythm!)
  6. Keep playing your review pieces from the last unit: pick from Hot Cross Buns, Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo
Practice list for Week 5: October 3rd
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Listen to tracks 5, 7 and 9 on your Piano Safari CD
  3. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Videolook for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion
  4. Keep polishing King of the African Drum, p. 19,  whole piece hands together (King of the African Drum Reminder Videofocus on steady beat, and relaxed arm motion (listen to the CD for a reminder of the tempo and rhythm!)
  5. Make a house for Fuzzy to practice hand shape! Fuzzy needs a level path across your wrist to get to his house, a point thumb to make a doorway, and a nice lifted roof that won’t collapse. Remember to keep the garage door closed (wrist level with arm) so that he won't run away!
  6. Watch Outer Space Reminder Video and begin learning the notes! On p. 36 draw pictures of space objects and make up your own music to go with them.
  7. Pick favorite pieces to keep reviewing:  Hot Cross Buns, Charlie Chipmunk, Alphabet Boogie, Herbie Hippo
Practice list for Week 4: September 26th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. c
  3. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Videolook for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion
  4. Play King of the African Drum, p. 19,  whole piece hands together (King of the African Drum Reminder Videobe sure to keep a steady beat and work on linking the sections together without pauses
  5. Complete p. 38 in your book and practice finding white key notes on the piano (play all the D’s from high to low, play all the G’s from low to high, etc.) Just like when we decorated the piano together!
  6. Play Hungry Herbie Hippo on the black keys and learn it in at least one other position (or in all of them!) (Hungry Herbie Hippo Reminder Video)
  7. Review Charlie Chipmunk and Alphabet Boogie
Practice list for Week 3: September 19th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games!
  2. Listen to tracks 1-5, 8 on your Piano Safari CD
  3. Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Videolook for a relaxed arm and a flexible “down-up” wrist motion
  4. Play King of the African Drum, p. 19,  first section hands together, then melody with right hand alone (King of the African Drum Reminder Video)
  5. Play Charlie Chipmunk (Charlie Chipmunk Reminder Videosing as you play or play along to CD to work on steady beat
  6. Play Hungry Herbie Hippo on the black keys (Hungry Herbie Hippo Reminder Video)
  7. Challenge: Play Hungry Herbie Hippo on B (see p. 17 for reminder of hand position and scroll down on video page for a reminder video)
  8. Play Alphabet Boogie, p. 39, saying the Musical Alphabet (Alphabet Boogie Reminder Video)
Practice list for Week 2: September 12th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games!
  2. Listen to tracks 1-5 on your Piano Safari CD (sing along to the songs!)
  3. Every day: Play Lion Paw with right hand and left hand (Lion Paw Reminder Video)
  4. Every day: Play Charlie Chipmunk with right hand and left hand (Charlie Chipmunk Reminder Video)
  5. Review Hot Cross Buns and try learning the tune on the white keys (Hot Cross Buns Reminder Video)
  6. Every day: Play Hungry Herbie Hippo on the black keys (Hungry Herbie Hippo Reminder Video)
Practice list for Week 1: September 5th
  1. Visit Tonic Tutor and have fun playing the assigned games
  2. Listen to tracks 1-5 on the Piano Safari CD
  3. Practice finger numbers (p. 14) by creating your own finger number challenges (touch your nose with Right Hand finger 5, touch your ear with Left Hand finger 2)
  4. Complete written activities on p. 20 to learn Black Keys on the piano
  5. Read about good piano posture on p. 12 and check that your have good posture every time you sit at your piano
  6. Practice Lion Paw arms both at the piano and away from the piano (Watch Lion Paw Reminder Video for a preview of the full exercise which we will learn in class next week)
  7. Hot Cross Buns (p. 9) Be a clock by playing a steady beat with each hand finger 2 on C (Watch Hot Cross Buns Reminder Video) Remember how we marched around the room to the beat!
  8. Learn the words to the Charlie Chipmunk song (p. 15) and sing along to the CD (track 2). You can also watch Charlie Chipmunk Performance Video

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